Accept credit cards on the Go with a free card reader!

Free mobile credit card reader!

The reader works on any mobile device!

Processing rates from only 0.25%!

No contract, just month-to-month!

City to City hit the ground running

Wholesale Rates

Normally reserved for big box retailers

Free Credit Card Reader

Compatible with any mobile phone

No Setup Fee

$0 to get started today

Next Day Payments

Receive within 12 hours of processing

Plug and Swipe

You’re ready to accept payments in an instant. Simply, plug the credit card reader into the audio port of your mobile phone and swipe any credit card.

Mobile Application

Whether you need to process mobile payments or view sales reports, the mobile application gives you functionality to run your business anywhere.

Send Receipts

Go green with electronic receipts. Text or email a proof of purchase within the mobile app or connect a printer if a paper copy is requested.

Easy Tipping

Take the guesswork out of tipping. Preset percentages make it easy for customers to add tips during checkout.